Our Terms & Conditions apply to all of our services and are updated from time to time.
You acknowledge, understand, and agree to have read, understood, and agreed with the terms of use for the website. By accessing or using it in any way, you are agreeing to abide by the terms of use. (Including the Privacy Statement and Terms & Privacy).
Pkworld is a Booking service provider platform operated by Pkworld (SMC-Private) Limited These terms and conditions are a binding legal agreement between all our customers and Pkworld regarding your use of the services that have been made available. Unauthorized access, distribution, reproduction, copying, retransmission, publication, sale, exploitation (commercial or otherwise), or any other form of transfer of any portion of the website, application or other services, including but not limited to all content, services, digital products, tools or products, is hereby expressly prohibited. pkworld is a service that enabled online access for different mediums of online booking services like hotels, Airline, rent a car and resorts. Pkworld is not responsible for any loss, refunds, or any other damages in case of cancellation or any other circumstances. Pkworld is a service provider which provide platform that is only responsible for its services which is only providing services to customer through its third party vendors like hotels, Airline, Rent a car and resorts. Pkworld is not responsible for any delay or booking cancellation of any company.